Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Blog o.O

Hello hello, I think this is going to be my last post.
Today I will write about: THE BLOG!!

Well, to me, to write it  is not so simple, because It’s hard to me to express the ideas that are in my mind, what I think about me, the music, my feelings about Forestry, and all the things I had wrote about. But writing things in English is much more difficult. In general, I think that my writing skills have improved through this term. I liked mostly of the topic chosen to write about, specially the one with the favorite music and movie. Other topics I would like to write about in the future, could be books, sports, funny anecdotes, vacations.
Going back to my writing skills, I would like to add a lot more of words to my vocabulary, because sometimes I have to use the same words more than once. But in my opinion, my grammar is very good. It has been an interesting experience to write each week in this blog, and share different opinions with my classmates. The blog has been useful to know them better too.

Well, With nothing else to write, I say Goodbye J

1 comment:

  1. Hi, felipe since a long time that i didn't see you and i dind't read about your blog ahjahhaha
