Tuesday, 30 July 2013

My favourite subject

Welcome to my blog, partners.
My post for today is about my favourite subject.
Actually, I had never thought about having a favourite subject,b ut I would say that is “CICBAE”, Its complete name is: “Characterization and Interaction of biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem” A very long name, don’t you think?
Althought it’s a very difficult subject to me, I think it is my favourite, because we do a lot of experiments in the laboratory, as observe microscopically plants, to know, why they are green, or what are the origin of the plants or things like that. Every Thursday its the lab day.
Another thing I like about CICBAE, Is that we study all the components of the ecosystem, nt just the tres and plants. We have to study, the great landscapes of the Earth, like the Cordillera de los Andes or the salt flats.
We also will have the possibility, to go to places like Frutillar, Pantanillos, to aplicate what we are learning on terrain.
The main contents we had seen, is the origins of vascular plants, fungi, rocks, the weather and many others.

Well, thats it, see youu J


  1. CICBAE rulz! hahaha
    it's a long name, but its name explain all the subject :-)

  2. jahsjahjs i talked abouth this too (:
