Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Blog o.O

Hello hello, I think this is going to be my last post.
Today I will write about: THE BLOG!!

Well, to me, to write it  is not so simple, because It’s hard to me to express the ideas that are in my mind, what I think about me, the music, my feelings about Forestry, and all the things I had wrote about. But writing things in English is much more difficult. In general, I think that my writing skills have improved through this term. I liked mostly of the topic chosen to write about, specially the one with the favorite music and movie. Other topics I would like to write about in the future, could be books, sports, funny anecdotes, vacations.
Going back to my writing skills, I would like to add a lot more of words to my vocabulary, because sometimes I have to use the same words more than once. But in my opinion, my grammar is very good. It has been an interesting experience to write each week in this blog, and share different opinions with my classmates. The blog has been useful to know them better too.

Well, With nothing else to write, I say Goodbye J

My favourite subject

Welcome to my blog, partners.
My post for today is about my favourite subject.
Actually, I had never thought about having a favourite subject,b ut I would say that is “CICBAE”, Its complete name is: “Characterization and Interaction of biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem” A very long name, don’t you think?
Althought it’s a very difficult subject to me, I think it is my favourite, because we do a lot of experiments in the laboratory, as observe microscopically plants, to know, why they are green, or what are the origin of the plants or things like that. Every Thursday its the lab day.
Another thing I like about CICBAE, Is that we study all the components of the ecosystem, nt just the tres and plants. We have to study, the great landscapes of the Earth, like the Cordillera de los Andes or the salt flats.
We also will have the possibility, to go to places like Frutillar, Pantanillos, to aplicate what we are learning on terrain.
The main contents we had seen, is the origins of vascular plants, fungi, rocks, the weather and many others.

Well, thats it, see youu J

My future

Hello Guys! This is my first post in almost two months, can you believe it?
Today I´m gonna write about my future.
Well, this is my first year studying Forestry, and I don´t even know if i`ll keep studying this. But, I hope that my will and my brain help me to continue. I don`t know exactly what kind of things does a forester, but obviously, in the future I would like to take a major. Because, being a student of the Universidad de Chile, isn’t enough to get a job. With a major, I would have the possibility to study abroad and i would have more chances of get a job.
First of all, I would like to work as a forester, or something related to what i am studying, I would like to work outdoors and do fieldwork, maybe travelling in Chile and abroad, but without losing contact.
At the moment of choosing a job, I would consider many aspects, like how much am I gonna earn, I never worry about the money, but without it you can`t live, so you have to consider that. I would consider too, how many days I would work in a week, I don`t know, things like that. The important thing is to work in something i love to do.
If today, I would have a job interview, I would say that my strenghts are: If I like what Ido, I will dedicate a lot of time to do it, and I will put a lot of endeavor to do. My weaknesses would be, that I am a little slack and distracted.

Well, this is all I wanted to share right now, so Bye c: